Monday, April 5, 2010

Haiku and a Paragraph

We have a star magnolia plant in our front yard and it's current in bloom right now.  And, you guessed it, I walked by it when I leave in the morning and when I come home in the afternoon.  Each time I do, I am compelled to stop and smell its delicate scent.  Thus the inspiration for today's haiku.

The spring flowers bloom / Scent wafts on the cooling breeze / The sun is shining

I do apologize for not getting my paragraph from Friday's sentences out sooner.  But it was a religious holiday, so I suppose its understandable.  Still, I know Alachia is probably waiting for her paragraph and who am I to deny her?  Without further ado, I give you a paragraph.

"Some days I feel more like Pinocchio than a person."

Do you have those days where it feels like nothing is going right?  You're going from fallacy to fallacy, completely and tragically gullible?  And, as a result, everything gets worse.  People will lie right to your face and you won't see it.  Or you'll lie to someone and it's so obvious your nose should be a mile long.  It's the naïveté, the obliviousness of it all!  Sometimes it all works out in the end.  Still... Some days I feel more like Pinocchio than a person.

1 comment:

  1. I get that feeling a lot when interfacing in the RL. It often feels like we're all walking puppets.
