Friday, April 16, 2010

Fantastic Friday

It's Friday and that can only mean one thing!  I offer my humble sentences and YOU choose a some for me to turn into glorious paragraphs.

April 10
No matter how long you know someone, they always have a secret.

April 11
Sweat dripped down his face, stinging his eyes.

April 12
I have never been able to find a place in my house where I can curl up with a good book, a drink, and some music and not be found.

April 13
I could have done better if I shat on my hand and spread it on paper!

April 14
Hooded sweatshirts are a blessing and a curse, but only if you use them right.

April 15
It is important to understand the difference between sex and gender.

April 16
“Baby, you’re the BD to my SM.”
Shakespeare was right when he called it a tale told by an idiot.
You’re all about tension and I’m nothing but flexion.

Today has three sentences because I just couldn't bear to break those three up.  I wrote them today at work and just loved all of them.

I eagerly await your sentence verdict. (I'm working OT tomorrow, so definitely won't get them tom but I'll try to have 'em done before the weekend is over.)


  1. "Shakespeare was right when he called it a tale told by an idiot."


    "It is important to understand the difference between sex and gender."

  2. "No matter how long you know someone, they always have a secret." That sounds like the beginning of a good story. :)

  3. I liked the one from April 12th -- sounds like my life!!
