Friday, July 30, 2010

Broken Friday

I feel like a broken doll.  But I persist in my schedule.  Friday means sentences.

July 24
"Your morals are loose like a hooker."

July 25
In life, she played hard and fast, but in death she was simply gone.

July 26
I stared at the prostitots, wondering what type of mother would let her daughter our in such apparel.

July 27
Aching, I took a couple painkillers and crawled slowly to bed, grateful for the coolness of the wood floor.

July 28
I know you don't understand, but I'm going out on a limb here to say you still wouldn't if I tried to explain it to you.

July 29
Happiness is a reflection of reality.

July 30
There was an amazing stretch of seedy looking bars that I just knew I'd have to visit.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rushing Into Tomorrow

It's 11:41.  Late.  And I'm only now starting this. Oh well.  Never mix raiding and blogging.  It's a juggle, let me tell you.  Probably a short post tonight.


Rhea looked up, raising her eyebrows at Aoede.  "It certainly took you quite a while to get here.  I was under the impression you could pop in and out at will."

Aoede shrugged dismissively.  "Oh, I can.  However, your... summons wasn't exactly what I would call urgent.  So I walked here."

"I see," drawled Rhea caustically.  "Well, shall we sit down?"  She gestured to the table behind her, taking her seat quickly and looking expectantly at Aoede.  The Muse sat, smoothing the cloth over her legs.  She smiled indulgently at her companion.

"Do what do I owe the honor of this meeting?"

Rhea leaned in close, her face a blank mask.  "I want to talk to you about two things.  The first being Jane.  The second being yourself and what you profess to be."

"Of course," replied Aoede.  "I'm more than happy to discuss either subject with you."

A look of surprise crossed Rhea's face before she hid it.  She didn't lean back in her seat.  "Very well, then.  Since you seem amenable to the topics, let's start at the beginning, shall we?"

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's hard

Yes, folks, it's hard to do paragraphs if I don't have votes!  I never know which one to choose.  And when I do, they never feel like they come out as good as those I do for others.  Writing a paragraph for a sentence someone else chose is more of a challenge, and more fulfilling when it's done.  So I'm begging you!  VOTE on sentences!

High up in the clouds
Our minds soar on flimsy wings
In the back of our heads we know
Just how unstable such chemical feathers are
How prone to warp and break
But we're flying so HIGH

No paragraph this week.

Also, take a gander at the new project I'm involved in: Scribophobia, the fear of writing.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Late Saturday

Sorry for not posting yesterday.  I totally forgot when I got home from work.

July 17
It wasn't the hours they spent together, but those when they were torn apart.

July 18
The pain was so sweet, so ever-present, that he embraced it as a part of his existence.

July 19
"No I will not make out with you!"

July 20
"You can't and I won't, so let's just leave it at that."

July 21
We never did understand

July 22
I had to face the facts and stop trying to fool myself into seeing what wasn't there.

July 23
I hid behind the camera, viewing the world through a lense.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Alright, I'm back after an impromptu (an unplanned) break last Wednesday.  I feel a bit like I'm coming to the end of the Aoede story.  The song is being written, nigh almost finished.  But there is one little thing I want to explore some more.


As she was browsing through the bookshelves, Aoede paused.  She cocked her head like she was listening to something far away.  With a startled blink, she put away the book she'd been holding and went to find her sister. "Mneme, could you do me a favor?"

"Hm?"  The other Muse was paging through some archaic tome she'd found.

"I have to leave, but I'll be back tonight.  Could you buy this for me?  I'll pay you back tomorrow."

"What?  Oh, of course.  Just put it next to me."  Mneme glanced up, flashed a smile, and went back to her book.  There was a pile next her, so Aoede just placed it on top.  She walked out into the cool night air and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.  So.  Someone wanted to meet with her.  Aoede didn't know the reason, but she had a general idea of the where and the why.

It wasn't terribly far away, a distance she was comfortable walking.  No reason to expend unnecessary power on a fine night like this.  Aoede pulled her shawl a little more snugly around her and set off.  Her pace was leisurely.  The summons, for that was the best term for it, hadn't stated a time so she decided to go at her own pace.  Besides, it felt good to stretch her muscles, both physically and mentally.  The night had her composing random bits of poetry, fleeting and meaningless, but fun.

By the time some thirty minutes had passed, Aoede was standing in front of a small, non-corporate coffee shop. Chocolate Moon the sign read.  Just a small, chink-in-the-wall kind of place, but comfortable and warmer inside.  The rich scent of coffee billowed out as a customer, toting a bag of pastries and a cup of java, pushed open and held the door for her.  "Thank you," she said.  Going inside, Aoede breathed in, enjoying the aroma of fresh grounds.  A person near her cleared her throat and she turned around.

"Oh, hello Rhea."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This is bad

Twice now I have skipped posts for no good reason.  And I reminded myself yesterday that I had to do it.  So today is Monday's post.  And I will MAKE SURE to post on time tomorrow!  I promise!  You can punch me if I don't.

I've turned my back
I've fought with myself
Don't go back!
It's a time suck!
There are better things for your time.
But I can't resist

They wanted to be friends, but years of resentment and mistrust stood in their way.  It had all happened so long ago, neither actually remembered what sparked the argument.  Whatever it was, it caused a schism between Frank and Judy.  Eventually, Frank moved away and they forgot about each other.  But a chance meeting while Judy was on vacation brought them together again.  So now they sit in the coffee shop, arms crossed, staring at each other.  Everything was fine until they remembered who the other was.  Now is the turning point.  Can they forgive the past grievance that neither can remember?  Or will they go back to their lives, hating for no reason?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Shame on Me

I know.  I know.  I missed Wednesday's post.  I have no excuses.  I knew I had to do it, and I reminded myself, I just never wrote it.  Shame on me.  This one is late because I was teaching my friend to play Magic: the Gathering.  :3  It was fun.

July 10
I breathed in the white powder floating in the air.

July 11
The carbonation in the beer tickled her nose as she sipped the drink.

July 12
"I can't believe he would do something like this!"

July 13
They wanted to be friends, but years of resentment and mistrust stood in their way.

July 14
The clay molded obligingly to her demands and she wished she could make her husband do the same.

July 15
His perfectly coiffured hair was begging to be mussed.

July 16
She showed up to her prom on her boyfriend's arm, wearing a perfectly tailored tux.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Not a Late Post!

I am lost in the whirlpool of my own mind.

Alright, so today is going to be rather a-typical of my posts of late.  No, I don't mean anything like "I'm not posting because..." whatever reason.  Or "hey it' s late and I'm goin got rable."  no, I'm going to hearken back to what this blog was originally.  Oh, I'm still goin to do a paragraph, but that will com ein a bit.  If you notice, I haven't gone back and edited those glaring typing errors.  To be honest, I really can't bring myself to care about them right now.  So yes, there's some NO BS Just Blog in here.

The one line "poem" really fits my mood right now.  Had a talk with some people on BP earlier today, bless their sweet hearts.  I managed to avoid the thoguth process most fo the day, but right before dinner it hit me like , well, like a ton of bricks, if you'll excuse the cliche phrase.  My WoW time expired today, so I have to go buy another card if I want to keep playing.  And, aside from raiding, and leveling characters, I've grown kinda bored with the game.  Oh, It's still an excellenet way to pass the time.  And dont' get me wrong, I still like leveling and such.  But lately is had been all i've done.  My own fault I know.  But, in a way, I've been tryin to wear myself out fo the game.  I think I reache dth ebored limit a while ago, but just kept on playing cuz 1) I had nothing better to do adn 2) i still had time lefton my game card.  Whatever, that's not eh crux of hte issue.

I can feel myself in a negativespiral, if only for today.  Or tomorrow, I don't know.  I just... I can't help it.  Okay, well, I suppose I can.  But silence, you and your logicalness!  My dad is on m to find a job, and I know I need to.  I can't keep putting of paying my studdnt loans forever.  And I have years left yet before I can even hope to have them dropped.  But the job market right now is horribly for people like me, inexperienced, fresh out of college, blah blah blah.  Point it, employers want people with experience and several years worth of it.  All the jobs that DON'T want such things are temp, clerical, or data entry.  Three of my favorite things in teh world.  What's worse, I really don't know what it is I want to do with my life.  At least, not as a career.  I like writing, but I hate journalism.  I love Englihs, but god help me I don't want to be a teacher.  So what the hell am I upposed to do?  ARGH!@  I am stuck in a damn hole with  broken toy shovel as my only means to dig myself out.  ><

Add to That mess hat I'm feeling bad about my body right now.  Great, I'm fat.  I get it.  I've been fat my entire life.  Most days it doesn't bohter me.  most day.  Today... I dont' know.  And my dad is all "take  walk today, take a walk every day.  it can't hurt."  No, it really can't.  But even when I was goign to the gym, I don't feel like it really helped any.  Ooooo boy lookit the fat chick go ridin' that bike for all of 30 minutes!  She's really trying to get healthy!  /golfclap  I honestly don't know what's wrong with me today or what put me in such a shitty mood, but there it is.  Anyway, sorry to unload on you reader-types.

And now what you've all been waiting for!  A paragraph.  Routine is good, yes?  I didn't get any votes for this week, so I'm left to my own devices.

It's funny, you know, the things you think of when you're driving.  I'm not sure if it's a death wish or just morbid curiosity, but I have on several occasions, thought of all the varied ways I could die.  It wasn't that I wanted to die, or was feeling depressed.  It's really just one of those things that pop into your head.  Like thinking about something embarrassing or worrisome when you're trying to fall asleep.  Those thoughts are there and they darn well don't want to leave.  So you're stuck with them.  How many different ways can you die?  I don't know, why don't you take yourself out driving sometimes and think about it?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Late Night

It seems to be a week for late posts.  But whatever, they're going up.

July 3
"Here, let me show you a much easier way to do that."

July 4
The sun was setting slowly, the sky fading from red to orange to dusky blue twilight.

July 5
Maybe if I could get him to love me I'd be happy, I thought to myself.

July 6
Damn my conscience for not letting me sleep at night!

July 7
It's funny, you know, the things you think of when you're driving.

July 8
Malicious intent is something I espouse with every fiber of my being.

July 9
"We're going to show them we believe in our beliefs as much as they believe in theirs!"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Another Late Wednesday Post

Moving to a new city was just the opportunity I needed.  I could be who I wanted without the shadows of past mistakes haunting me.  I shucked my old life like a snake shedding its skin.  No longer was I the troublemaker everyone was waiting to get thrown in jail.  I turned into a sophisticated, svelte young woman who threw herself into the social scene.  The new job I landed gave the the monetary freedom to indulge myself with books and clothes.  In all, I was free to do whatever I wanted.


Aoede walked through the door to see her sister sitting on the couch.  Mneme looked up and smiled.  "So how are things going with your songwriter?"

"Much better, actually.  I think she's really starting to accept the whole inspiration thing.  It doesn't feel like she's fighting any more.  In fact, when I left her apartment, she sat down and really got to work on her song."

Mneme nodded.  "Why do I feel like something happened that you didn't like?"

"Ha ha!  Mneme, for the Muse of memory, you rely a lot more on your instincts than your knowledge.  But yes, I met a friend of Jane's.  I don't think, for all her supposed help, she's being very supportive of Jane.  She was skeptical, which I can understand.  But I felt like this was jealous of Jane.  I don't know if it was jealous of her writing or what, but it didn't feel right."

"Hm.  I'm not sure what I can tell you," Mneme said softly.  "But I don't think you should get involved unless you absolutely have to."

"You're probably right.  Hey, you want to do something?"

"Sure.  How about we go to the bookstore?'

"That sounds like something we can both enjoy."

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Break from the Norm

Instead of doing my usual poetry and paragraph, I'm going to do something a little different.  Last week Friday was officially the end of votes for paragraphs to further expand.  Calz voted for one, and I have one that I'm going to expand because I want to see where it can go.

I'll do my paragraph on Wednesday's post.

So... the first one:

My heart was pounding as he pressed me back against the wall, locked my wrists above my head, and leaned in to kiss me.  My breasts brushed against his chest with each breath I took.  With his lips a mere centimeter from my own, I breathed, "What are you doing?"  He just smiled at me.  That one smile said it all, said that he was doing what we both wanted.  What we'd wanted for quite some time.  He nipped my lower lip before capturing me in a fierce kiss.  And as he pulled away, I moaned softly.  Then he nibbled gently on my neck and I gasped, my legs going weak.  Oh how I wanted this, wanted him, but I knew he was going to make me beg for it.

He pulled back, a small, knowing smile playing on his lips.  I closed me eyes and leaned against the wall, letting it hold me up.  I could feel his eyes running over me and I has to risk a peek.  My breath caught in the back of my throat as he knelt in front of me.  "You've always had such soft skin," he said, the bass ruble raising goosebumps.  His fingers slowly pushed up my shirt and he rested his cheek against my stomach.  The stubble on his chin tickled, as did the fine hairs on his head.  He nuzzled my stomach and I cried out softly as he licked the flesh.  His body was so warm against mine, I felt like I was going to burst into ash on the spot.

As he stood, he raised my shirt over my head.  Thankfully, my arms were still up, so it was easy for him to remove it.  The cooler air made me shiver slightly, but he drew me close again.  Of their own volition, my arms wrapped around his shoulders and he kissed me.  It was soft, and sweet, and hard, and demanding, and I melted into it.  He slid his hand up my arm and, taking my hand, pulled back to lead me toward the bed.  I let him draw me down to the clean cotton sheets.  Normally I was more demanding, but something about him made me pliant and willing.  I did, though, tug gently on his shirt and make a small noise, wanting him to take it off.  When he did, I ran my hands up over his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin.

Ah ah ah!  I can't go any further.  I have to tease these things!  I'm not even going to do a logical end point on this one.  I'm so terrible, aren't I?

And the second one!

Make sure you never cross a faerie ring.  You can call them cylch y Tylwyth Teg if you want, but that's just a fancy name for trouble.  I stepped off the forest path in search of mushrooms and saw the circle.  Naturally, I was curious and decided to wait until the elf returned.  Several hours later, a sprightly, jolly little fellow came traipsing back, bearing something in a basket.  To this day, I don't know what it was.  But I thought I could catch this bundle of mischief, so I lunged at him.  In the process I stepped into the ring.  The magic set my skin tingling, raising goose flesh along every bit of exposed skin.  Not knowing what happened, I tried to step back out and found myself blocked, unable to pass.  There was no physical barrier, mind you, but nonetheless I could not step past.  I heard a noise behind me and, on the verge of panic, I spun around to see what it could be.

Behind me stood the elf.  How I knew it was the same one, I can not say, for his countenance was much changed.  No longer did he look like the sprightly, jolly fae I had seen.  He was neither ugly nor scary, but he radiated a power and threat that had not been there, as well as a sort of ethereal beauty that should never have been.  I fear I cannot describe him to you, though I saw his face clearly.  Whether it is some trick or enchantment, or merely a failing of my memory, I wish I knew.  But I do remember what he said to me.  "Time passes differently here, mortal, in the land of the fae.  A year and a day you will spend here, not a moment less."  His smile was malicious as he brushed past me, vanishing into thin air.

Then it struck me, what he'd said.  A year and and a day I was stuck in here.  The faerie circle, the land of the fae, had become my prison.  It was, I'm sure, a delicious reversal of position.  I thought I heard an echo of my friends calling for me, so I turned around.  There stood my friend, oblivious of the faerie ring.  I rushed to the barrier, beating my hands against it, calling out to him.  To my great despair, he gave no sign he heard me.  I sat down in the grass and rested my head in my hands.  A few minutes later, I heard more voices.  More friends had come to look for me, my wife and my children were there, too.  I don't know I know, but something told me they weren't anywhere near the ring in the grass.  I just knew they were there, in the forested distance, their voices carrying softly through the trees.

Friday, July 2, 2010


June 26
If you are hiding, and being found, you aren't hiding well enough.

June 27
I can't unplug, it would be like removing my lifeline.

June 28
There was so much bass in the song I could feel it thudding in my chest.

June 29
It's not sarcasm if you don't pick it up.

June 30
On a whim, we decided that skydiving would be a fun, adventurous thing to do together.

July 1
I shucked my old life like a snake shedding its skin.

July 2
I just about froze as I dove into the frigid ocean water, but I was obligated to save his life.