Monday, May 24, 2010

And Ode to Healing

Okay, tonight I have to mesh my writing and my WoWing.  I was healing on a character I'm currently leveling.  And twice I got tanks who were... less than stellar.  Which means, they died and blamed me.  So tonight, I lament it all.

The tank, our shield of flesh and bone
He stands between us and certain death
The damage dealers, striking from near and far
Destroying our enemies while they focus on the tank
But the healer is the linchpin, the savior
Without him, the group will fail
For who else, repairs wounds?
Ah, healers are often maligned when they start out
"I died, so you much suck!"
If only the tanks would pay attention
To us poor, beleaguered healers
Then maybe, just maybe

Poem-rant over.  I feel better now.

They played with special like malicious children.  They were geneticists, tasked with cracking the DNA genome of various species.  But they also dabbled in gene splicing, taking the traits from one animal and putting them into another.  Then they would look at the results and systematically destroy them, just like a small child with a doll he/she doesn't like.  If they don't kill them when they're done, they toss them aside like so much offal.  All this is done behind closed doors, without the knowledge or approval of their superiors.  After all, who would want a chicken with genes taken from a crocodile?

I'm not normally the jealous, or suspicious type, but there was something about him.  I could quite put my finger on it.  Needless to say, I was wary of his intentions and absolutely nothing he did was convincing me otherwise.  So, I hired a private detective to follow him.  I mean, what self-respecting wife wouldn't, right?  It wasn't that I was worried that he was cheating or anything...  That's just something silly we're all supposed to think.  No, no.  It was something else.  And it was all in the way he got rather shifty when I asked him where he was going after dinner.  Or the way he would look around nervously before he entered his office.  I tried to get in, but he locked it.

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