Friday, March 26, 2010

Second Sentence

I did have some fun with this week of sentences.  But I'm doing something different for my writing portion.  You see, last week, I did ones that inspired me.  This week I'm going to open it up to you guys.  Pick which sentence you like most and I, in turn, will choose one or two of those to turn into a paragraph.

March 20
I revel in your poop stories
You will not deny me my red meat, bitch!  I’m on my period!

March 21
The field was riddled with bodies, the soil drenched in blood.

March 22
There lay Leagh, lost, longing for a late love never to live again.

March 23
He fell back against the sheets, skin covered in a sheen of sweat, and waited for his heart to stop pounding.

March 24
Frank threw down his pencil, disgusted that the lines in his drawing just wouldn’t come out the way he wanted them.

March 25
Living a lie is like letting life pass you by.

March 26
“Have I told you lately how much you disgust me?”


  1. I pick "You will not deny me my red meat, bitch! I’m on my period!"

  2. I pick March 25: "Living a lie is like letting life pass you by." Was that you own quote?

  3. Living a lie is like letting life pass you by.

    I like that one and not because I copied Alachia but it is one I would like to see expanded.
