Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Brings with it Small Comforts

June 5
His voice was deep and warm, flowing over me like honey, promising things not spoken of in polite society

June 6
I kept waking up feeling like I'd run a marathon, so one night I decided to pretend to sleep.

June 7
She sat by the telephone, hoping for and dreading the call she knew was coming.

June 8
I never did understand the adage "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

June 9
The melody drifted in the air around us, powerful, emotional, stirring.

June 10
It's not a freak show, it's my life.

June 11
Tom felt numb, empty, and hollow after pushing away every unwanted emotion.

1 comment:

  1. OK - what happened to my vote? I swear I voted with a comment yesterday? Anyway, I'll go again:

    Much as June 5 sounds deliciously tantalizing, I also really like June 9. So I'll vote June 9.
